UN Human Rights Council 55th Session.
Item 10 - Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner on Haiti (with participation of the independent expert).
Statement by Denmark on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries
2 April 2024
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Mr. President,
I have the honour of delivering this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.
We thank the High Commissioner and the Independent Expert for the latest report and reiterate our support for their work.
We remain gravely concerned by the dire human rights and humanitarian crisis in Haiti, which has only deteriorated further amid the unrelenting gang violence causing alarming forced displacement and widespread shortage of basic necessities and medical care.
Support to assist Haiti in restoring security and the rule of law is critically needed and we fully back efforts to ensure a multinational security support mission is deployed without further delay. The widespread violence, illicit arms flows, and grave human rights abuses undermine the stability and security of Haiti and the wider region. We are particularly concerned by the violations and abuses committed against children and the widespread use of sexual and gender-based violence, including as a weapon by gangs to spread fear.
We welcome the establishment of a transitional presidential council, with the aim of preparing a peaceful transition of power and free and fair elections. An inclusive, Haitian-led political transition is necessary to re-establish democratic structures, promote the rule of law and safeguard the human rights of the population. We support the continuing efforts to ensure this and commend CARICOM’s efforts towards making the political agreement possible.
High Commissioner,
How can the international community best engage with the political transition process in Haiti and relevant stakeholders to ensure follow up to your work?
I thank you.