Human Rights Council 55th Session.
Item 3 - Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on
the situation of human rights defenders.
Statement delivered by Ambassador Mr. Tormod C. ENDRESEN,
Permanent Representative of Norway on behalf of the Nordic Baltic countries: Denmark, Sweeden, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway.
Check against delivery
12 March 2024
I have the honour of speaking on behalf of the Nordic and Baltic states.
We welcome the report of the Special Rapporteur on the challenges and achievements of children and youth who defend human rights.
Her findings, that young human rights defenders are met with deliberate efforts to hinder and sanction them for carrying out human rights work, are deeply concerning. Not least the gendered threats and reprisals faced by young women and girl human rights defenders, particularly those defending sexual and reproductive health and rights. As well as defenders advocating against discrimination of, and for equal rights for, LGBT+ persons.
We echo the call on States in the report to encourage and protect peaceful activism and public participation by children and youth, as it is their right. The report is a reminder of the value of human rights education and the need for strengthening it.
Madame Special Rapporteur,
States must uphold their commitment to creating a safe and enabling environment for children and youth to stand up for human rights.
What measures can the Human Rights Council take to further your recommendations to States and the UN?
I thank you.