Human Rights Council 55th Session.
Human Rights Council 55th Session.
Item 2 - General debate on the oral update by the High Commissioner, reports on OHCHR activities in Colombia, Guatemala and Honduras, OHCHR oral update on Cyprus.
Statement delivered by Ms Jannicke GRAATRUD, Minister,
Deputy Permanent Representative of Norway.
Check against delivery
4 March 2024
High Commissioner,
Thank you for all the valuable work done to promote and protect human rights worldwide. The independence and integrity of your office is vital and underpins the impact and influence of this Council.
We are seeing the situation of human rights deteriorating in several countries, exacerbated by a series of crises and escalation of conflicts. It is the duty of the Council to address human rights violations wherever and whenever they occur. We call on states to cooperate with the Council and the OHCHR, including to grant access for the mandates established by the Council.
We are alarmed by the impending funding crisis affecting the UN system, including the OHCHR. Adequate and predictable funding is essential to the consistency and effectiveness of the UN and the international human rights system. We cannot allow the funding shortfall to impair the work of the office and the follow-up of the Council’s decisions.
We urge all states to pay their assessed contributions in full and on time, to ensure predictability of payments to the UN. And further to support the adequate funding of the Office and uphold the independence and integrity of its mandate.
Thank you.