Item 4 - General debate on human rights situations that require the Council's attention​. Norway. (26.09.2023)


Human Rights Council 54th Session.
Item 4 - General debate on human rights situations that require the Council's attention​.

Statement delivered by Ambassador Mr. Tormod C. ENDRESEN
Permanent Representative of Norway

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26 September 2023


Injustice, authoritarian rule, and repression are root causes of violent conflict.

By defending human rights, individuals in all parts of the world are aiming at ending discrimination, strengthening participation, and improving access to health, education, food, and justice. 

Norway is deeply concerned when states are responding [to these aspirations] by silencing critical voices and targeting human rights activists and groups for legitimate work, such as in the Russian Federation and Belarus. 

We’re concerned about the persistent human rights violations in Eritrea, including enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention, and indefinite national service.  

The human rights situation in Nicaragua is sadly deteriorating. The government has the responsibility to guarantee and protect civic space and human rights.

The situation for Uighurs and other minorities in Xinjiang is of great concern. China must implement the recommendations by the OHCHR.

Norway remains deeply concerned about efforts in Iran aimed at controlling women and girls, including the proposed bill imposing more severe penalties for not obeying the compulsory dress code.

No other country has experienced a deterioration of women’s rights at the scale and speed seen in Afghanistan the last two years. As Afghan women activists from inside Afghanistan encourage, Norway will keep engaging the de facto authorities directly and hold them responsible.

Thank you.