Human Rights Council 54th Session.
Statement delivered by Ambassador Mr. Tormod C. ENDRESEN
Permanent Representative of Norway.
Check against delivery
25 September 2023
Mr. President,
I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries [ Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, and my own country Norway].
Gender equality is at the heart of human rights. Among other things, equal gender representation in treaty bodies, special procedures and other human rights mechanisms is a fundamental part of combatting gender discrimination in the work of the United Nations system.
Gender parity contributes to integration of gender perspectives throughout the United Nations human rights mechanisms. It is important for the legitimacy and effectiveness of the Council and its mechanisms.
It is also necessary to ensure that gender perspectives are reflected in recommendations and other actions taken.
We are still far away from the target of equal representation in the human rights organs and mechanisms. We must nominate more women as member of the treaty bodies, and vote for them. And more women should be appointed as mandate holders.
Gender parity is about equal representation. Bodies and mechanisms established to protect the rights of women and girls, tend to be overrepresented by women. We would encourage member states to consider gender parity as well as diversity in their appointments to these bodies and mechanisms.
Dear panellists,
What measures would you recommend to effectively ensure gender parity in the human rights mechanisms of the United Nations?
I thank you.