50th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
Statement delivered by H.E Ambassador Dr Katharina Stasch on behalf of over 100 countries at the
High Level Commemorative Event on the occasion of the Councils 50th Session”
Geneva, 15th June 2022
Thank you Mr President,
Today’s commemorative event not only provides us with a moment of reflection on the past 49 sessions of the Human Rights Council but also an opportunity to warmly thank you, Madame High Commissioner, on behalf of over 100 countries, for your tireless work throughout the past years.
Four years ago, you said you were “ready for the challenge” to protect and promote the human rights of everyone, everywhere. You also said, it is one of the most important jobs at the international level and you could have added that it is one of the most challenging as well.
Current crises, inter alia climate change, the pandemic or armed conflicts have highlighted that a strong voice and advocate for human rights is indispensable.
We would like to thank you for being this voice who has tirelessly advocated for universal responses anchored in human rights.
Thank you
1 Afghanistan
2 Albania
3 Andorra
4 Angola
5 Argentina
6 Armenia
7 Australia
8 Austria
9 Bahamas
10 Bahrain
11 Bangladesh
12 Barbados
13 Belgium
14 Bhutan
15 Bosnia and Herzegovina
16 Botswana
17 Bulgaria
18 Cabo Verde
19 Cambodia
20 Canada
21 Chile
22 Colombia
23 Costa Rica
24 Côte d’Ivoire
25 Croatia
26 Cyprus
27 Czech Republic
28 Denmark
29 Djibouti
30 Dominican Republic
31 Ecuador
32 El Salvador
33 Estonia
34 Fiji
35 Finland
36 France
37 Germany
38 Greece
39 Guatemala
40 Haiti
41 Honduras
42 Hungary
43 Iceland
44 India
45 Indonesia
46 Iraq
47 Ireland
48 Italy
49 Jamaica
50 Japan
51 Jordan
52 Kazakhstan
53 Kuwait
54 Latvia
55 Lebanon
56 Libya
57 Liechtenstein
58 Lithuania
59 Luxemburg
60 Madagascar
61 Malawi
62 Malaysia
63 Malta
64 Marshall Islands
65 Mauritania
66 Mauritius
67 Mauritius
68 Mexico
69 Moldova
70 Monaco
71 Mongolia
72 Montenegro
73 Nepal
74 Netherlands
75 New Zealand
76 North Macedonia
77 Norway
78 Oman
79 Pakistan
80 Panama
81 Paraguay
82 Peru
83 Philippines
84 Poland
85 Portugal
86 Qatar
87 Republic of Korea
88 Romania
89 Samoa
90 Saudi Arabia
91 Slovakia
92 Slovenia
93 Somalia
94 South Africa
95 Spain
96 Sri Lanka
97 State of Palestine
98 Sweden
99 Switzerland
100 Thailand
101 The Gambia
102 Timor-Leste
103 Togo
104 Tunisia
105 Türkiye
106 Ukraine
107 United Arab Emirates
108 United Kingdom
109 United States of America
110 Uruguay
111 Uzbekistan
112 Vanuatu
113 Viet Nam