UN Human Rights Council 50th session
Item 3 - Interactive dialogue with the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls
Intervention by Denmark, on behalf of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden
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16th of June 2022
I have the honor of delivering this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.
Girls and women activists play crucial roles as agents of change. They promote democratic and equal societies and defend universal human rights.
Although many of them are at the forefront of defending gender equality, women and girls’ rights, equal rights for sexual and gender minorities, SRHR, gender responsive and rights-based climate action, social and-economic rights, and access to land and resources, they are constantly faced with barriers to freely assemble, protest, express their views and participate meaningfully.
In addition, they are subject to negative social control, sexual harassment, threats and violence - including on online platforms - and even killings.
We all have a responsibility to promote and empower girls’ and young women’s activism and create safe, enabling spaces.
In your report, you draw attention to the root causes of the barriers to girls’ and women’s activism.
What specific measures would you recommend to initially address these barriers and thus ensure that girls and women activists experience increased inclusion and empowerment?
I thank you.