UN Human Rights Council 49th Session
Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner on the situation
of human rights in the Tigray region of Ethiopia
Intervention by H.E. Mr. Harald ASPELUND Permanent Mission of Iceland on behalf of NB8 ((Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden)
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4 March 2022
I speak on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.
We thank the High Commissioner for her update.
We welcome recent positive steps taken by the Government of Ethiopia. However, we call on all parties to abide by international humanitarian law and allow full, safe and unfettered humanitarian access to all people in need, including in Tigray.
We remain deeply concerned about human rights violations and abuses in the Northern parts of Ethiopia. This must stop and accountability must be ensured for all crimes committed. We urge all parties to the conflict to cease hostilities, seek a negotiated settlement and respect the human rights, security and safety of civilians and humanitarian workers.
Finally, we urge the Government of Ethiopia to strengthen its engagement with the Council’s mechanisms by granting the international commission of human rights experts full, safe and unhindered access to the country. The commission complements ongoing national efforts and is key to help hold all perpetrators to account for their actions, including non-Ethiopian actors.
Madam High Commissioner,
Taking into account the investigation and findings by the Joint Investigation Team, how can it best be ensured that the work of the international commission of human rights experts on Ethiopia will complement those findings?
Thank you.