Item 3 - Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (11.03.22)

UN Human Rights Council 49th Session

Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Intervention by Denmark on behalf of NB8 (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden)

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11 March 2022


Mr. President,

I have the honour of speaking on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.

The prohibition of torture is absolute. In light of the Russia’s illegal military aggression against Ukraine, which we condemn in the strongest possible terms, we have to recall that this also applies in times of war. Especially since Russia with its aggression has proven their willingness to discard their obligations under international law. Allow me also to use this opportunity to underline our full solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

Mr. Melzer,

We thank you for your engagement throughout your last two terms. You have provided a tremendous contribution to the fight against torture.

In your latest report, you evaluate the reception and utilization by states of the thematic reports as a driver for change at national level. We are concerned by your findings, indicating lack of political will to effectively address alleged violations or shortcomings in ending torture. You also find that States generally engage only superficially with the mandate. This is disturbing. 

Mr. Melzer,

With these reflections in mind, would you share your thoughts and recommendations as to the need of any adjustments to the mandate to improve cooperation and effect?

Thank you.