Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on minorities
Nordic – Baltic Statement delivered by Ambassador Kirsti Kauppi, Permanent Representative of Finland
22 March 2022
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries. We thank the Special Rapporteur for the report.
The full realization and protection of human rights of persons belonging to minorities is paramount in conflict prevention and crisis situations. The root causes of discrimination, including multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, must be addressed. Minorities, including women representing minorities, must be involved in decision-making processes and conflict prevention.
While the internet is an important tool for advocating for human rights, we are extremely concerned about the growth of online hate speech. This hate speech often harms especially minorities, persons in vulnerable situations and women, and can lead to hate crimes, physical violence and even conflicts.
Mr. Special Rapporteur, what action do you recommend for governments and businesses to take to allow all, including women and underrepresented people within minorities, to use their voices online, without threat of violence, harassment or hate speech, and thus prevent conflicts?
Thank you.