UN Human Rights Council Forty-seventh session
Interactive Dialogue on High Commissioner’s report on systemic racism (A/HRC/47/53) Statement on behalf of the Nordic and Baltic countries
12 July 2021
Madame President,
I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic and Baltic countries [Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and my own country Denmark].
Let me begin by re-affirming our strong commitment to combating all forms of racism.
We strongly condemn systemic racism and racially motivated violence. Such acts violate fundamental human rights. And they are detrimental both to individuals, and to the foundation of our societies.
All states have a responsibility to combat and prevent racial discrimination, inequality and injustice. In this regard, law enforcement officers play an essential role.
Over the last year, we have witnessed a revitalization of public engagement against racism. This is much welcomed. It has reminded us all that we need to use this momentum to enhance efforts to combat racism. As the High Commissioner recommends, this also applies to the Human Rights Council.
In this regard, we would like to ask: How could this Council, including its existing mechanisms and special procedures, contribute to counter racial-bias, ensure human rights and end impunity?