Human Rights Council 47th session
Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Expert on the Central African Republic on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic Countries (NB8)
9 July 2021
Madame President,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.
We thank the Independent Expert for his ongoing efforts to underline human rights concerns in the Central African Republic (CAR) and we remain supportive of OHCHR‘s human rights mandate at MINUSCA.
The human rights and humanitarian situation in the CAR remains of great concern. We are alarmed by reports of ongoing violence, forced displacement, restricted humanitarian access, and the unprecedented surge in sexual and gender-based violence.
The dire situation facing women and children must be addressed. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the threat of gender-based violence and underscored the fragility of hard-won gains towards gender equality. The Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace, and Security must be implemented.
We welcome the establishment of the Truth, Justice, Reparation and Reconciliation Commission. In the absence of transitional justice and accountability for past and recent human rights violations and abuses, peace and stability in the CAR will not be achieved. All allegations of violations and abuses must be efficiently and independently investigated.
We would like to ask the Independent Expert, how will the Truth, Justice, Reparation and Reconciliation Commission address allegations of gender-based violations and abuses in CAR, including those attributed to Central African forces and other bilateral forces?
I thank you.