47th session of the Human Rights Council. Item 2 - Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants
Intervention by the Nordic and Baltic States delivered by H.E. Anna Jardfelt, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations Office and other International organizations in Geneva
23 June 2021
Madam President,
I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic and Baltic countries [Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and my own country Sweden].
We thank the Special Rapporteur for his presentation and welcome his report. We are deeply concerned by its findings of severe human rights violations.
Safe, orderly and regular migration is an important part of relationships between countries and regions.
Mixed migration, however, can present complex challenges. It requires effective and comprehensive migration management systems, including registration, evaluation of protection needs, processing of asylum claims. It also requires well-functioning return and readmission for those without a legal right to stay.
While each state’s interest in governing their borders is legitimate, we strongly affirm our commitment to protecting human rights of all refugees and migrants - irrespective of their status, in particular children.
An asylum system that is efficient in compliance with the rule of law and sustainable implies an obligation to ensure the right to seek and enjoy asylum from persecution. We uphold this human right by guaranteeing that those seeking asylum in our countries will have access to an individual examination of the grounds for their applications and that they are protected from refoulment.
This is a responsibility that we will continue to assume.
Thank you.