Human Rights Council 45th Session.
Item 4 - Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Myanmar (oral update)
Statement delivered by Ambassador Tine Mørch Smith, Permanent Representative of Norway
22 September 2020
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I would like to thank Special Rapporteur Mr. Thomas Andrews for his update.
Norway remains concerned about the lack of progress in the human rights situation in Myanmar.
In the months leading up to this year’s election, it is essential that the right to freedom of expression and assembly is safeguarded.
The elections, as well as the Covid-19 pandemic, underline the importance of access to reliable information.
We call on Myanmar to ensure that the elections are free, fair and inclusive, also in conflict areas.
We recognize the complexity of the political transition and the peace process that the Myanmar Government is navigating. Still, Myanmar must ensure the full protection of all civilians without discrimination.
Echoing Secretary-General Guterres’ plea for global ceasefires to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, we call on all parties to take the necessary steps towards a complete ceasefire.
Those responsible for atrocities must be held accountable through credible national or international criminal justice mechanisms.
We expect Myanmar to fully implement the provisional measures ordered by the ICJ.
We will also urge Myanmar to create a conducive environment for the safe, voluntary, dignified and sustainable return of the forcibly displaced Rohingya and other minorities.
The authorities must cooperate with the Special Rapporteur and all UN mechanisms, including granting them full access to the country, and ensure that humanitarian agencies have full and unhindered access to conflict areas and vulnerable populations.
Thank you.