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Norway attaches great importance to the UPR process and welcomes China’s active engagement. (Peer review without undue restrictions is a crucial part of the UN’s human rights pillar.)
We commend China for accepting many recommendations, including two of Norway’s four: on human rights defenders and freedom of expression.
We look forward to learn more about what concrete measures China will put in place to create and maintain a safe and enabling environment for all human rights defenders, and to ensure the freedom of expression of all citizens.
We were disappointed to see that the recommendation to take steps to abolish the death penalty was not accepted.
Human rights and fundamental freedoms must be protected while countering terrorism.
We regret that China did not accept our recommendation to provide transparency on the situation for religious minorities in Xinjiang, including allowing UN-mandated observers unrestricted access to places of internment. Indeed, we note with concern that no UPR recommendations related to the human rights situation in Xinjiang were accepted.
We understand that China has extended an invitation to the High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit the region and hope an unrestricted visit will take place soon.
Thank you.