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Norway shares the concerns about the increase in violence and killings of human right defenders in Colombia, an alarming trend that has continued in 2019. It is vital that Colombia strengthens the measures to protect and investigate attacks against human right defenders and community leaders.
The full implementation of the peace agreement with FARC and continuing the peace efforts with ELN represents a unique opportunity to improve the human rights situation.
In this respect, Norway, as a guarantor country to the peace agreement, calls for a national effort to enable the Integrated System for Transitional Justice to operate with full integrity and independence.
The situation in Yemen is of great concern. Neither basic rights nor basic needs are met for millions of people. Norway welcomes Yemen’s participation in the UPR and its consideration of UPR recommendations. We also welcome the Stockholm agreement and urge the parties to abide by the agreement and support the political process.
It is crucial to ensure unhindered humanitarian access. We encourage Yemen to cooperate with the international community in investigating violations of human rights and humanitarian law by reengaging with the Group of Eminent Experts.
Finally, Norway urges Yemen to ensure that no children are recruited as soldiers. Children must be provided education.
Thank you.