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As delivered by H.E. Ambassador Hans Brattskar on behalf of the countries Colombia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Jordan, Mexico, New Zealand and Norway
Thank you Mr. President,
Madame High Commissioner,
I am speaking on behalf of Colombia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Jordan, Mexico, New Zealand and Norway. We are eight countries that came together in early 2015 to form the UN70 group, a cross-regional group, with a view to developing better implementation ideas for the United Nations. Among the key messages conveyed to the new Secretary General of the UN, Mr Guterres, was that he should advocate for respect for human rights and reduce the implementation gap.
The UN 70 Group would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you for your appointment as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and we welcome you to Geneva.
We have been working closely with your predecessor, the Office of the High Commissioner and the dedicated staff at the office.
The UN70 group will express our firm commitment to work with you and your colleagues.
Madam High Commissioner, The world expects from you a strong voice and independent leadership in promoting and protecting human rights, according to the mandates you are entrusted with.
We believe that all human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent, and interrelated and that, as such, they should be given the same emphasis. Albeit the challenges you may face ahead, we trust that the High Commissioner will be in close contact, collaboration and dialogue with States, civil society, and others. Through good and extensive partnerships, we can together ensure that the implementations of the 2030 Agenda is in accordance with our human rights obligations and that human rights are coordinated in the entire UN system.
We look forward to cooperating with you Madame High Commissioner and wish you a successful mandate years ahead.