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As delivered by First Secretary Sean Lobo.
Mr. Vice-President,
Norway continues to be deeply concerned by the vast number of human rights violations and abuses in South Sudan. Recent reports have documented serious violations such as extra-judicial killings, abductions, recruitment of child soldiers to name a few.
All armed groups are responsible for grave human rights violations, but the government army (SPLA) has been attributed a particular responsibility for such crimes.
We are also concerned about the shrinking space for freedom of expression and attacks on those that criticize the Government.
We condemn these crimes and violations in the strongest possible terms. We note with deep disappointment that the Government so far has not done enough to end these violations.
The military tribunal’s final verdict in the case of the attack on the Terrain Hotel in 2016, sentencing 10 SPLA soldiers to long prison terms, is a welcome, although small step in the direction of providing justice to the victims.
Norway congratulates the Transitional Government of South Sudan and the other parties to the conflict on having signed the Revitalized Peace Agreement in Addis Ababa on September 12th.
We strongly hope and expect that the implementation of the Agreement will improve the humanitarian and human rights situation in South Sudan.