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As delivered by H.E. Ambassador Hans Brattskar.
Mr. President,
We thank the Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar for their briefing and welcome the comprehensive report. The human rights violations detailed in the report are serious. The reported gender-based violence and violence against children, is especially grave.
Norway is concerned about the human rights and humanitarian situation in Rakhine State.
There is a pressing need for the authorities in Myanmar to ensure the full protection of all civilians without discrimination.
It is important that the UNHCR, UNDP and other humanitarian organizations are granted unhindered access.
The government of Myanmar, the government of Bangladesh and the UN together must ensure the safe, voluntary and dignified return of all refugees.
We encourage both Myanmar and Bangladesh to continue their engagement to ensure the implementation of the repatriation agreement of 23 November 2017. Transparency in these efforts will be welcome.
We reiterate that those responsible for violations of international law, including human rights violations and abuses must be held accountable.
We welcome the appointment of Special Envoy on Myanmar, Ms Christine Schraner Burgener and encourage the government of Myanmar to work closely with her.
Norway supports the recommendations of the Annan Commission, and we are prepared to continue our assistance in the implementation efforts.
The conflicts in Kachin and Shan States continue. Serious human rights violations and decreasing humanitarian access are matters of concern.
Norway deeply regrets the verdict against the journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo. We call for Myanmar to uphold freedom of the press.
We call on the government of Myanmar, including its military forces, to take further steps to reform the Constitution and to strengthen democratic institutions, good governance and the rule of law.
We support extending the mandate of the Fact-Finding Mission until another mechanism is established.
Finally, we encourage the government of Myanmar to resume its cooperation with the Special Rapporteur and the Fact-Finding Mission established by the Human Rights Council.