Item 2: General Debate

Item 2: Annual reports of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Secretary-General. Statement, 19 June 2018.

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As delivered by Ambassador Hans Brattskar

President, High Commissioner, Excellencies and colleagues,

Thank you, High Commissioner, for your frank update on the state of affairs in human rights. As this is your last Council session, Norway would like to thank you for your tireless efforts to protect the rights of victims, the oppressed and the marginalized.

In this anniversary year for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we should all scale up our efforts if we are to live up to the ambition of human rights for all. If we are to succeed, all countries must ensure gender equality and freedom of expression. Human rights defenders and journalists must be protected, and the rights of religious and sexual minorities fully respected. If we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, states, civil society and the private sector need to work together with a human rights based approach. 

Fulfilling human rights is a smart investment in future generations and contributes to prosperous and safer societies. A strong human rights pillar in the UN system is imperative. This is why Norway has increased our support to the OHCHR.


In order to enhance the prevention focus at this Council; Colombia, Sierra Leone, Switzerland and Norway are introducing a new resolution aiming at strengthening this Council’s ability to prevent human rights violations and abuses.

Also, together with Russia, Argentina and Ghana, we will be leading the work on a resolution which will request the OHCHR to continue its work on Business and Human Rights and the Access to Remedy Project.

We are looking forward to constructive engagement and open discussions with states and civil society.

Thank you.