Mr President
We thank the High Commissioner for his comprehensive assessment.
At this session, the Council will pay particular attention to the human rights of women. It is a regrettable reality that we still need to take action on several resolutions stressing the need to put an end to discrimination and violence against women.
As we witness a backlash against women’s rights, these resolutions are more important than ever. It is a self-evident truth that women have the same human rights as men. This generation of girls should be able to make their own choices. Individual choices concerning their own body, on if and who to marry, on when to speak and what to say. We pay tribute to all those brave female human rights defenders who speak out when human rights are violated and call for strengthened protection of their legitimate and important work.
Mr President,
We know that states ask for technical assistance from the OHCHR to strengthen the implementation of their human rights obligations.
Investing in technical assistance is not only a sound way to implement the SDGs, it is also likely to be a good investment in preventing human rights violations. We need to strengthen the funding of the OHCHR so that it can provide better service to the member states in fulfilling its core mandate.
Mr President,
Together with Argentina, Ghana and Russia, we will present to you a resolution renewing the mandate of the working group on business and human rights as outlined in resolution 17/4 in 2011. It is our wish that the working group can continue its efforts in promoting the UN Guiding Principles.
Thank you