Annual full-day discussion on the human rights of women: Panel 2 - Economic violence as a form of gender-based violence against women and girls. JST Canada, Pakistan and Kasakhstan. (28.06.2024)

UN HRC 56th session

Panel Discussion: Economic violence as a form of gender-based violence against women and girls. Joint Statement on domestic violence.

28 June 2024

Mr. President,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of Canada, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and a cross regional group of States. The full text and list of countries will be available on the extranet.

All forms of domestic violence are reprehensible and remain one of the most pervasive forms of societal ills, marring communities globally.

These debasing actions violate many human rights, including respect for human dignity.

Unfortunately, women and children are often the most direct victims of this form of abuse.

All aspects of victims’ lives are affected by domestic violence.

Unfortunately, economic violence, particularly, against women and girls is one of the manifestations of such violence, that requires this Council’s pressing attention.

Economic abuse, is employed as a tool to perpetuate women’s and girls’ subordination and socially stereotyped roles. It remains a critical obstacle to gender equality and requires appropriate action.

Notably, the effects of this form of violence permeate generations and despite being least visible, the consequences are long-lasting and profound.

Shame, stigma, fear of reprisals and negative economic consequences prevent many victims and survivors from leaving abusive relationships, from reporting them or from seeking redress and justice.  

Similarly, according to recent data, 1 in 4 children under 5 (176 million) are either witnesses or victims and survivors of domestic violence.

Simply living in an abusive environment can be harmful to children’s mental and emotional growth and these impacts can span generations, often leading to cycles of violence and abuse within families and communities.

We welcome the important contributions of civil society, including women's rights and community-based organizations, national human rights institutions, community and religious leaders, the media and all other relevant stakeholders for their efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women and children, including domestic violence.

We call upon States to eliminate all forms of violence against all women and children in the public and private spheres and to take meaningful steps to address the factors underlying these vile human rights violations through empowerment, protection, support, and relief for victims and survivors, including the targets set out in 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Thank you!