Annual thematic panel discussion on technical cooperation and capacity-building. NB8 Iceland. (09.07.2024)

Human Rights Council – 56th session

Item 10 - Annual thematic panel discussion on technical cooperation and capacity-building.

Statement by Iceland on behalf of the Nordic Baltic countries.

9 July 2024

Mr. President,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic Baltic countries.

The Universal Periodic Review is a cornerstone of the Human Rights Council’s work and serves as a crucial peer-to-peer instrument that can contribute significantly to the promotion and protection of human rights in countries.

Technical cooperation and capacity-building to support states in effectively implementing recommendations, improving their human rights practices, and fulfilling their international obligations are essential to the UPR process.

Robust implementation and follow-up of UPR recommendations hinges on a holistic and rights-based approach on the ground, one that is fostered through inclusion of all relevant stakeholders.

Coordination and cooperation between states, United Nations Agencies, Funds and Programmes, civil society, and other key stakeholders must be enhanced to optimize the use of limited resources and to meet growing demands for technical assistance and capacity-building.

The UPR Voluntary Fund for Implementation, which has seen a regrettable drop in contributions during the last few years, is one important measure to contribute to successful implementation of UPR recommendations at the national level.

Distinguished panelists,

In addition to the funds, what other measures to support implementation does the panel recommend?

I thank you.