Item 3 – Interactive Dialogue. Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development. Civil and political rights. Independence of judges and lawyers. Norway (25.06.2024)


Human Rights Council 56th Session.  

Item 3 – Interactive Dialogue. Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development. Civil and political rights. Independence of judges and lawyers. 

Statement delivered by Ambassador Mr. Tormod C. ENDRESEN, 
Permanent Representative of Norway.                                                                                              


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24 June 2024 

Thank you, Special Rapporteur, for presenting your latest report. 

We appreciate your focus on the invaluable role played by justice systems in safeguarding democracy, including in ensuring free and fair elections. 

The separation of powers is one of the ground rules of democracy – its absence poses a potential risk of abuse of power. Rule of law and respect for the rights of minorities are at stake without a competent, independent, and impartial judiciary. 

In your report, you refer to the risk of “Court capture” as an especially serious risk to democratic values. 

We agree, and we are concerned about increasing use of legislation to facilitate political influence over judicial appointments.  

Special Rapporteur, we have two questions (if we may): 

1. 2024 is often referred to as the election year. Many have already cast their vote, and many will. Have you seen any trends thus far regarding the ability of courts to fulfill their role in checking State power and adjudicate electoral disputes? 

2. In the report (para 69) you propose some steps to enhance the extent to which courts reflect – and engage – the communities they serve. Could you share any good practices from country visits you have undertaken?   

Thank you.