Item 2 - Interactive dialogue on the annual report. Norway (19.06.2024)


Human Rights Council 56th Session.
Item 2 - Interactive dialogue on the annual report.

Statement delivered by Ambassador Mr. Tormod C. ENDRESEN, Permanent Representative of Norway.                                                            

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19 June 2024

High Commissioner,

We appreciate your invaluable work to promote and protect human rights worldwide. The independence and integrity of your office is vital.

With horrific ongoing wars, human suffering, and escalating crises, we see deteriorating human rights situations in many parts of the world. This Council's duty is to address human rights violations and abuses wherever, whenever and by whomever they are committed.

Let me make three points: 

  1. We encourage Member States to adopt a principled and consistent approach to human rights law, without discrimination and without double standards.

  2. ⁠We call on Member States to ensure that all persons can cooperate with international human rights bodies and mechanisms free from [any form of] intimidation, reprisal, or sanction.

  3. ⁠ We urge Member States to fully cooperate with the OHCHR and human rights instruments and mechanisms, including by providing unhindered access. Targeting and detention of UN staff is unacceptable, and detainees must be released immediately and unconditionally.

Finally, we strongly believe that human rights and gender equality must form an integral part of the outcome of the Summit of the Future.

Thank you.