Human Rights Council 56th Session.
Statement delivered by Ambassador Mr. Tormod C. ENDRESEN, Permanent Representative of Norway.
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I am glad to be here and thank the President, Bolivia and Un Women for convening us. I will be brief, but I felt the need to point out that while many questions we discuss in this room are very complex - some are thankfully not - like the fact that increased participation of women in diplomacy - like in business or any other sphere of society- makes for better decisions, better outcomes.
I simply have a hard time thinking of any foreign policy objective, from peace to economic growth and back - that is not more efficiently attained through making sure the interests of women are taken into account.
To protect women at risk of having their rights violated- but more importantly - to make sure we leverage the talent and resources of women and the potential they hold for change.
I am glad therefore that we are on the way to do better in international Geneva - in terms of leadership in the agencies and in terms of the 67 female PRs that I so enjoy working alongside.
Let’s make sure that trend is accelerated and replicated elsewhere, we remain an exception and not the rule - and we don’t have the 150 years Doreen Bogdan Martin spoke of.