Item 2 – Interactive Dialogue on oral update of FFM on the Sudan. NB8 Norway (18.06.2024)


Human Rights Council 56th Session.
Item 2 – Interactive Dialogue on oral update of FFM on the Sudan.

Statement delivered by Ambassador Mr. Tormod C. ENDRESEN,
Permanent Representative of Norway on behalf of the Nordic Baltic countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden

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18 June 2024


On behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries, we thank the Fact-Finding Mission for its presentation and regret that the mission is still hampered by the UN liquidity crisis.

Sudan’s civil war has caused one of the world’s worst humanitarian and human rights catastrophes, with unimaginable suffering, including for women, children, and other civilians. More than ten million people are displaced, and millions are on the verge of famine.

Reports of ethnically motivated violence, conflict-related sexual- and gender-based violence and disappeared or detained human rights defenders, are extremely concerning.

We welcome the recent Security Council resolution and the ICC investigation [into allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity] and condemn all attacks on civilians and civilian objects, including the recent attacks on MSF’s Hospital in El Fasher.

This must stop. Violations and abuses of IHL and International Human Rights Law must have consequences. The cycle of impunity must be broken.

We urge the parties to agree to a sustained ceasefire and adhere to their international humanitarian law obligations, protect civilians, and ensure humanitarian access.

We encourage all parties to cooperate with the FFM and allow access.

How can regional actors, including the AU and IGAD, contribute to your work?

I Thank you.