Annual full-day discussion on the human rights of women: Panel 1 - Economic violence as a form of gender-based violence against women and girls. NB8 Estonia. (28.06.2024)

Annual full-day discussion on the human rights of women:

Panel 1 - Economic violence as a form of gender-based violence against women and girls.

28 June 2024

Statement delivered by H.E Ambassador Riia Salsa-Audiffren

on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden



I will speak on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic states.

Women and girls – in all their diversity – face multiple and intersecting forms of sexual and gender-based violence. Today’s discussion reminds us that sexual and gender-based violence can take the form of economic violence and that economic violence can take many forms,  including  domestic and intimate partner violence.

Economic violence is rooted in gender inequality and reinforced by gender stereotypes and negative social norms. It creates an obstacle for economic independence for many women and girls around the world. Their access to education, services, the labor market or financial resources such as credit, funds, property, land or inheritance is controlled, limited or fully denied. Economic dependency can perpetuate other forms of violence and retain women in abusive relationships. 

States have the obligation to ensure that all women and girls can enjoy a life free from violence. States must ensure women’s and girls’ access to financial services, quality education, sexual and reproductive health services and decent work.

Esteemed panelists, what legal reforms and measures to tackle deeply entrenched social norms should be prioritized in order to address economic violence?

Thank you.