Item 3 - Panel discussion on the role of digital, media and information literacy in the promotion and enjoyment of the right to freedom of opinion and expression. NB8 Denmark. (3.07.2023)

Human Rights Council 53th session

Panel discussion on the role of digital, media and information literacy in the promotion and enjoyment of the right to freedom of opinion and expression

Statement by the Nordic- Baltic States

3 July 2023

Mister President,

Esteemed Panellists,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic states.

We are living in an era marked by digital technologies that are causing unprecedented challenges as well as opportunities.

In this new era, digital, media and information literacy are necessary tools to protect the respect and enjoyment of human rights. It empowers people and builds their resilience against disinformation and misinformation.

The role of civil society and media is crucial in identifying, uncovering and debunking false information, as well as identifying and raising awareness on practices of internet shutdowns, unlawful surveillance and other malicious cyber activities.

Protecting freedom of expression online and offline are key components in our efforts to defend and promote democracy and human rights. To be able to seek, evaluate, use and create information online and offline is crucial in this regard.

Our firm belief is that we should leave no one behind. For this cause, we must close the gender digital divide and make sure to address the needs of women, girls and persons in vulnerable or disadvantaged situations.

Esteemed Panellists,

What role do you see for the OHCHR in taking the important work on the topic of this panel forward?

Thank you.