Human Rights Council 53rd session
Item 3 - Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls
Statement by Estonia on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden)
22 June 2023
Mr. President,
I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.
Women and girls – in all their diversity – play a crucial role in promoting positive change and inclusive sustainable development and peace. However, multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination against women and girls is still widespread across the globe, gendered socioeconomic inequality and poverty being some of the consequences.
To this day, there is no country in the world that has achieved full and substantial gender equality. The persistence of the discriminatory and negative social norms and gender stereotypes affect women and girls across every area of life, from families to communities, in businesses and in all branches of the public sector, and contribute to maintaining and deepening socioeconomic inequalities.
Women and girls continue to experience structural gender discrimination in both formal and informal employment on the grounds of gender, pregnancy and caring responsibilities. As highlighted in the report, the unequal and inadequate remuneration, precarious employment, lack of union representation, and violence and harassment in the workplace are all factors that increase sex- and gender-based inequalities and entrench poverty for women and girls.
In your report, you describe how women‘s poverty and inequality is directly linked to economic policy choices at the global, regional and national levels. What can we do on multilateral level and in UN fora to advance the economic policies so that women and girls – everywhere and in all their diversity – can enjoy the full range of human rights?
I thank you!