UN Human Rights Council
53rd session
Item10 - Enhanced Interactive dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on the way forward to improve technical cooperation and capacity-building in the field of human rights
Statement by the Republic of Lithuania on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic Countries (NB8)
11 July 2023
Thank you, Mr. President,
I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.
We thank the High Commissioner for the report and commend the OHCHR’s unwavering efforts to assist states in fulfilling their international human rights obligations and commitments.
The Nordic-Baltic countries will therefore continue to support technical assistance and capacity-building, which is of vital importance for the improvement of the human rights situation on the ground, for the prevention of further violations and abuses, as well as for the facilitation of accountability processes.
We encourage all countries to provide unhindered access and cooperate with the OHCHR, other UN human rights mechanisms and the UN Country Teams, and to implement their recommendations. In the spirit of dialogue and cooperation, this will, in turn, help States to overcome crises, achieve tangible human rights impact on the ground, build up resilience and ensure sustainable economic development.
Furthermore, demand-driven technical cooperation, partnerships, complementarity, as well as sufficient and predictable funding are key for solving global challenges, sustaining peace, and improving human rights situation worldwide.
Mr. High Commissioner,
How can we ensure complementarity and facilitate cooperation among stakeholders operating on the ground?
I thank you.