High-level panel discussion on Voluntary Trust Funds for the UPR. NB8 Finland (1.03.2023)

52nd session of the Human Rights Council.

High-level panel discussion on Voluntary Trust Funds for the UPR

A Nordic-Baltic Statement, delivered by Ambassador Kirsti Kauppi, Permanent Representative of Finland.


1 March 2023

Mr. President, Excellencies, distinguished colleagues,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries, Estonia, Denmark, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and my own country, Finland.

No country is perfect, but we can help each other to do more on human rights. The Universal Periodic Review is a key tool in this regard. The recommendations, given in constructive spirit, guide States to build societies that are equal and just for all. We can take pride in the 100% participation rate thus far and aim at the same during the fourth UPR cycle.

The UPR Voluntary Funds play an essential role in ensuring that all States, inluding least developed countries and small island developing states can benefit from the UPR process in full. We particularly welcome the concrete actions on implementation and follow-up which have been possible with contributions through the UPR Voluntary Funds.

The UPR is a state driven process but it can greatly benefit from taking the civil society on board. Consulting their views during the process and including their representatives in national delegations can bring stronger, more inclusive results. 

Esteemed Panellists, how can the UPR Voluntary Funds support the participation of the civil society in the UPR process?

Thank you.