UN Human Rights Council 52nd session.
Item 2 - Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children.
A Nordic-Baltic Statement delivered by H.E. Ambassador Bahtijors Hasans, Latvia.
8 March 2023
Thank you, Mister President.
I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.
We thank the Special Rapporteur for presenting her latest report on the importance of reparation for child victims and survivors of sale and sexual exploitation.
The Nordic-Baltic countries believe that reparation should be tailored to the specific case and proportional to the gravity of violations and the harm suffered by the child victims and survivors.
However, there are numerous barriers preventing child victims and survivors from being able to access justice and claim reparations. We are especially concerned about legislative gaps regarding, in particular, child, early and forced marriage and child labour. We align with the Special Rapporteur’s recommendations in this regard.
Another challenge can be the lack of education about and awareness of potential venues for reparation. Capacity-building and comprehensive education of law enforcement officials, medical professionals, social workers and teachers is vital to ensuring that child victims and survivors are aware of their rights and are able to claim reparation.
Madam Special Rapporteur, what are the best practices in providing for the participation of child victims and survivors in developing reparation programmes and procedures, while ensuring that their dignity and rights are respected and they do not face the risk of revictimization?
Thank you.