UN Human Rights Council 52nd Session
Item 3 - Interactive Dialogue with the Special Representative of the Secretary General on children and armed conflicts
16 March 2023
Intervention by Lithuania on behalf of the Nordic and Baltic countries
Thank you, Mr. President,
I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries. We would like to thank the Special Representative for the report.
Armed conflicts deprive children of their rights, leaving permanent physical and psychological harm. From the right to education to the right to security and life itself – children’s rights continue to be violated in conflict zones and their future jeopardized.
We are extremely concerned about the increasing use of indiscriminate airstrikes, landmines and attacks on schools. This trend places children directly at risk. According to the SRSG reports, the use of explosive weapons in densely populated areas leads to a steady increase in the number of killings and injuries over the years. In the context of Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine we witness deliberate attacks on civilian infrastructure, killing and injuring thousands of children; also there are reports on forcible transfer of Ukrainian children to Russia and their illegal adoption there.
Grave violations of children’s rights in conflict zones are one of the most pressing political and humanitarian concerns. In June 2023, Norway will host an international conference in order to mobilize action to better protect children in conflict zones.
Madam Special Representative,
How should we ensure accountability for crimes against children during armed conflicts, including their forced deportations?
I thank you.