Item 3: Interactive Dialogue on the rights of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations on the 20th anniversary of UNSC resolution 1325 (17.09.21)


Delivered by Denmark

Human Rights Council 48th session

Interactive Dialogue on the rights of women and girls in conflict and
post-conflict situations on the 20th anniversary of UNSC resolution 1325

                                                                                   [Check against Delivery]

I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.

The Women, Peace and Security agenda reaffirms that ensuring women and girls' protection and participation in conflict and post-conflict situations is innately linked to respect for their rights.

The Council has recognized that conflict and post-conflict situations worsen pre-existing gender-based discrimination against, and inequality of, women and girls in all their diversity. This limits their democratic space, and is often part of a pattern of targeted threats, including against women human rights defenders.

When societies are torn apart and protective structures break down, women and girls face increased risks of SGBV. We must not ignore this devastating reality. It is our responsibility to address the dire consequences of conflicts on women and girls, including those facing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination. Their full, equal and meaningful participation is essential for ensuring a focus on gender-based risks.

The report concludes that this Council has paid insufficient attention to key issues affecting women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations, including their access to SRH services and SGBV prevention and response services.

How can the Council further promote a holistic, multisectoral and survivor-centered approach to preventing and responding to conflict-related SGBV?

I thank you.