Human Rights Council 48th Session
Item 10: ID with IE on Central African Republic (CAR)
Statement delivered by Ambassador Tine Mørch Smith, Permanent Representative of Norway on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries
(Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden)
Check against delivery
6 October 2021
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.
We want to highlight findings in the report issued jointly by the UN Human Rights Office and MINUSCA, the UN Mission, which documents an increase in violations and abuses of human rights in the Central African Republic.
We are deeply concerned by the reported incidents, including extrajudicial and summary killings, torture and conflict-related sexual- and gender-based violence, as well as serious violations and abuses of the rights of the child. These acts are committed by all parties to the conflict. The report indicates that the national army, internal security forces and Russian instructors and employees of private security companies are responsible for several violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of international human rights law.
The human rights and humanitarian situation gives reason for extreme concern. All use of violence against the civilian population must stop. Protection from sexual- and gender-based violence remains a serious challenge. We reiterate that the dire situation for women and children must be urgently addressed, and women be involved in the process.
We are alarmed by actions hindering MINUSCA’s civilian protection mandate and their human rights monitoring. Strengthened monitoring of human rights is needed in the evolving context, and we call on all actors involved to ensure accountability for human rights violations and abuses, to end impunity.
Thank you.