44th session of the Human Rights Council - Statements for BHR action - INTRODUCTION OF THE DRAFT RESOLUTION NORWAY

Delivered by Ambassador Hans Brattskar, Permanent Representative of Norway

Thank you Madame President,

• Norway, on behalf of the core group on Business and human rights consisting of Argentina, Ghana and Russia, is honored to present to the Human Rights Council draft resolution L.14 Business and human rights: Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises and improving accountability and access to remedy

• The resolution renew the mandate of the Working Group on Business and Human rights for another 3 years and the accountability and remedy project of the OHCHR for another 2 years. The renewal happens in a context where we are all affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, with its wide-ranging effects on not only health, but also the economy and the social fabric of our societies and the resolution underlines the need for responsible business conduct and resilient recovery.

• Madame President, with the said resolution we believe that the Working Group on Business and Human Rights has been given a strong mandate for the years to come.

• The resolution also decides that the Human Rights Council should hold a panel to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) during its 47h session.

• The resolution encourages states to enhance efforts to implement the UNGPS, including by developing national laws, regulations and national actions plans (NAPs), and encourages states, and invites businesses to report at the annual Forum on Business and Human Rights.

• Furthermore, it requests the Working Group to further develop its regional work and continue its cooperation with national human rights institutions (NHRIIs) to promote the UNGPs.

• I am pleased to inform you that we have 41 co-sponsors, representing all regions. We would like to use to opportunity to encourage all states that would wish to co-sponsor the text, and have not yet done so, to do so and thereby contribute in sending a strong message from the Human Rights Council in support of the Mandate of the Working Group on Business and Human Rights.

Madame President, I invite the Human Rights Council to adopt this resolution by consensus. I thank you.