Statement by Ambassador Hans Brattskar at the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council. Item 2 – General Debate on the HC oral update, HC/SG country reports on OHCHR activities in Colombia; Guatemala; and Honduras: and other reports and oral updates (Cyprus, Iran, Sri Lanka, Eritrea, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Yemen). Delivered at 27 February 2020.
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Thank you Madam President,
Thank you High Commissioner,
Norway reiterates our full support to the High Commissioner, your office and commend your valuable work.
Human rights defenders is a key priority for Norway.
Colombia is among the world’s most dangerous countries for human rights defenders. We recognize the government’s efforts in tackling the cycle of violence, noting that violence and impunity are significant obstacles to the implementation of the peace agreement. It is urgent to prevent attacks, and to investigate and prosecute those responsible.
The rule of law, the independence of the judiciary, and the combat against corruption are vital for development and economic growth.
Norway remains concerned about impunity, corruption and the state of the rule of law in Guatemala and Honduras. Both countries should strengthen the protection of human rights, and consolidate advances made. Norway laments that both countries have decided not to renew the mandates of the international anti-corruption and impunity commissions CICIG and MACCIH.
Norway welcomes the Report on Sri Lanka and shares the concerns raised. Norway recognizes that some progress has been made in promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in line with Resolution 30/1. Norway encourages Sri Lanka to implement remaining commitments in these areas, including institutional reforms, and trusts that Sri Lanka will fulfill its human rights obligations.
Thank you.