43rd session of the Human Rights Council
Statement by the Nordic – Baltic States delivered by H.E. Ambassador Mr Jānis KĀRKLIŅŠ, Latvia
Thank you Madam President.
I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries [Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Latvia].
Our countries attach great importance to the promotion of all human rights, including to the right of each person, regardless of gender, to fully enjoy the right to privacy.
Prof. Cannataci,
We thank you for your continued work on gender and privacy. It contributes to a better understanding of the role of gender equality in ensuring the full enjoyment of the right to privacy.
Despite the obligations set out in international human rights law, it is too common that states and non-state actors violate or abuse the right to privacy, on the basis of gender. This, in turn, can have a detrimental effect on the enjoyment of other human rights.
We appreciate your work on detailed recommendations to states and non-state actors in protecting individuals against gender based privacy infringements. We hope the provided recommendations will guide states in developing their policies, legislative and administrative frameworks, so that everyone, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity can enjoy the right to privacy without arbitrary interference and discrimination.
Prof. Cannataci,
What role do you see for the Human Rights Council in addressing the recommendations of your report?
I thank you!