UN Human Rights Council - 43rd Session
Intervention by Denmark on behalf of the Nordic countries
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Madam President,
I am honored to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic countries: Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and my own country Denmark.
Recent developments in Syria remind us of the regime’s brutality. A serious humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding as civilians desperately flee the regime’s offensive in the Northwest.
We condemn the unacceptable attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure. As the CoI has warned, the deliberate and systematic targeting of hospitals may amount to war crimes.
Violations of international law are rampant. All parties to the conflict must live up to their obligations under international law, including IHL, and respect human rights.
We must insist on accountability for crimes committed. To this end, we reaffirm our strong support for the CoI and the IIIM [triple-I-M].
Without a negotiated end to the conflict, the suffering will continue. We reiterate our full support for Special Envoy Pedersen and a political settlement in line with Security Council resolution 2254.
Conditions in areas retaken by the regime illustrate that violations of international law will continue without a negotiated end to the conflict and genuine reforms.
Could the CoI share further updates on violations in regime-controlled areas?
Thank you.