Mr. President,
We thank the Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, Mr. David Kaye, for his timely report and recommendations on essential issues.
As the Special Rapporteur rightly has pointed out, where anonymity is not protected, and the use of encryption is compromised, the exercise of fundamental rights may be at risk. Any restrictions on anonymity and encryption must be limited according to principles of legality, necessity, proportionality and legitimacy in objective.
We underline the importance of digital security for human rights defenders and journalists. For some, revealing their identity or the identity of their sources, could lead to imprisonment, mistreatment and even killing.
Could the Special Rapporteur elaborate on how States best can ensure that human rights defenders and journalists have access to secure communications.
Mr. President,
We thank the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association, Mr Maina Kiai, for presenting yet another insightful report.
The rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association make the foundation for a strong and pluralistic civil society. For Norway this has been a key driver in building a modern, stable and prospering state.
Research shows that mineral resource discoveries in countries with strong and inclusive institutions stimulate economic growth, whereas exploitation in countries with weak and less inclusive institutions impede economic growth.