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Mr President,
Norway commends the work of the Sepecial Rapporteur on modern slavery for her tireless efforts to raise awareness on the subject.
In the last few years, modern slavery has received increased international attention, with a subsequent rise in initiatives and engagements. This is very positive. Yet, there is still a great need for knowledge and experience to guide interventions, and for a coordination of efforts. We believe that the report can contribute to this end. On behalf of Norway, I would like to thank Ms Bhoola for a most useful report.
Norway is stepping up our efforts to combat modern slavery. As part of this, we want to join forces with other engaged partners, and have recently become a member of Alliance 8.7.
The Alliance is an important tool to help guide, and to coordinate efforts, both at the local level as well as globally. We are looking forward to strengthen our support to, and engagement with the Alliance.
It is 200 years since slavery was outlawed by most nations. Yet, we meet here today. And; Research suggests that numbers are still rising.
Let’s join our good forces to end this abhorrent crime.