Check against delivery
Mr. President,
Norway commends the work of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. We welcome Ukraine’s cooperation with the OHCHR and urge all parties to do more to implement its recommendations.
We encourage Ukraine’s new government to show its commitment to human rights by acting on the recommendations. All attacks on peaceful demonstrators, journalists and political activists must be effectively investigated and prosecuted.
The human rights situation in the areas not controlled by the government is particularly serious. The self-proclaimed authorities should provide unimpeded access for international organisations to all places of detention. They should stop the practice of “preventive” arrest and facilitate the voluntary transfer of all pre-conflict detainees to government-controlled territory.
We urge all parties involved in the conflict in Donbas to take measures to avoid harm to the civilian population, protect civilian infrastructure and private property and ensure safe crossing of the contact line.
Norway supports the recommendations of the OHCHR to the new Ukrainian government to stop the security services’ practice of arbitrary detention, torture and ill-treatment. The government should provide a mechanism for remedy and reparation for civilians killed or injured in the conflict. They should also ensure compensation for damaged property and for use of private property by the military.
In Crimea, we call on Russia as the occupying power to respect its obligations under international law. This includes investigating all allegations of arbitrary arrests and torture and stop forced conscription into Russian armed forces. International human rights monitors must be given unimpeded access.
Thank you.