Item 3: Clustered interactive dialogue with the Working Group on business and human rights. Statement by Norway on 27 June, as delivered by Senior Advisor Anniken Enersen.

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Thank you Mr President,

Norway would like to thank the Working Group on business and human rights for its dedication and efforts in implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, based on the UN protect, respect and remedy framework.

These Guiding Principles continue to provide the internationally-accepted framework for enhancing standards and practices with regard to business and human rights.

Unfortunately, women and girls experience business-related human rights abuses in diverse ways and are often affected disproportionally. Women and girls may also face multiple forms of discrimination and experience additional barriers in seeking access to effective remedies. We therefore welcome the working group’s attention to the particular experiences and situation of women and girls.

It is important that the report is followed up with practical implementation. The Norwegian MFA has supported the NGO FOKUS in developing a userfriendly digital tool to guide businesses through gender responsive Human rights due diligence. A pilot, called “SheDil”, is soon ready to be launched, and it will provide practical advice on what to look for in the different steps of a gender responsive Human Rights Due Diligence.

This might be an inspiring tool for the private sector to work strategically when applying a gender perspective in their business conduct and in their value chains. The UNGPs also contributes to clarify the respective roles and responsibilities of states and the private sector when it comes to challenges to ensure women’s rights and participation in responsible business conduct.

Norway would like to express our appreciation to Kenya and Thailand, who have both welcomed a visit by the working group. We believe that country-visits in close dialogue and cooperation with national stakeholders are important when implementing the UNGPs at country level. We also welcome regional workshops and outreach by the working group when promoting the Guiding Principles.


I thank you, Mr President.