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Thank you Chair,
Norway would like to acknowledge the important work by both the Independent Expert on sexual orientation and gender identity and the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, and thank both mandate holders for their reports.
Last week, more than a quarter of a million people participated in the celebration of Pride in Norway’s capital Oslo. This year, there was a particular focus on the history of the struggle for equal rights, including an apology from the Norwegian Police for their behavior towards LGBTIQ-people in the past.
Mr. Madrigal-Borloz, the experience from Norway strongly supports the conclusion of your report. Starting with the first study on the living conditions and quality of life among lesbians and gays in 1999, research continue to form the basis for development of targeted and effective policies.
Based on your experience, what are some of the key steps that States could take in the area of research and data collection to combat discrimination and violence against LGBTIQ-people? Are there any priority sectors?
Norway is committed to combat violence and repression of sexual and gender minorities. We were proud to support the establishment of your mandate three years ago, and we will continue offer our full support to the renewal of your mandate during this session of the Council.