ID with SR on Myanmar

Item 4: Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on Myanmar. Statement by Norway on 02 July, as delivered by Senior Advisor Andre Mundal.

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Thank you, Ms. Yanghee Lee, for your briefing.


The human rights violations detailed in the briefing are serious and continue to be a cause for great concern.


We commend the establishment of a committee tasked with amending the constitution. 

Norway welcomes the pardon of journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo. We call on Myanmar to uphold freedom of the press.


We call on the authorities in Myanmar to ensure the full protection of all civilians without discrimination and fulfill the obligation to ensure humanitarian access in Rakhine as well as Kachin and Shan States.


Norway welcomes the extension of the unilateral ceasefire declared by the Myanmar armed forces and calls for an inclusion of Rakhine and Chin States.


Myanmar must increase their efforts to implement the recommendations of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State. Norway is prepared to continue our assistance in the implementation efforts.


Those responsible for violations of international law, including human rights violations and abuses must be held accountable through credible national or international criminal justice mechanisms.


The Governments of Myanmar and Bangladesh, the UN and regional actors like ASEAN must work together to ensure the safe, voluntary and dignified return of all refugees. 


The conflict in Rakhine State can only be solved through dialogue and an inclusive political process.


Finally, we urge the government of Myanmar to resume cooperation with the Special Rapporteur, including granting her access to the country.


We call for the government of Myanmar to cooperate with the Independent Investigative Mechanism.


Norway also highly welcomes the cooperation of the government of Myanmar with the special envoy appointed by the Secretary-General and the opening of her office in Nay Pyi Taw.