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Thank you,
Mr. President,
Norway would like to thank the Special Rapporteur for the briefing and report on the rights of internally displaced persons, as well as her continued engagement on the issue, including through the GP20 initiative.
We agree with the Special Rapporteur that the National Human Rights Institutions play an actual and potentially crucial role in promoting human rights of IDPs. The recommendations outlined in her report will no doubt be helpful to the NHRIs and to governments in informing IDP policies in the coming years. We welcome the Special Rapporteur’s continued engagement with these institutions.
Mr. President,
As the Special rapporteur notes in her report, the 2030 Agenda commitment of “leaving no one behind” most certainly applies to IDPs. This highlights the need for a whole-of system approach to internal displacement, which must include not only human rights and humanitarian actors, but also development agencies.
Along with countries from all regions, including many IDP-affected countries, Norway has encouraged the UN Secretary-General to establish a High-Level Panel on internal displacement. It is our hope that this will serve to raise awareness and mobilise more resources, and lead to more holistic and effective strategies for assistance and protection of IDPs and their hosts.
Thank you.