Check against delivery
Norway welcomes the recently adopted mandate renewal of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. We are particularly pleased with the strong and balanced text, which was retained despite the high number of proposed amendments.
As a co-sponsor to this text, we wish to express our sincere appreciation of the extensive work done by the core group of the resolution: Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico. We are particularly pleased that they managed to stand strong and principled under severe pressure from certain states. The these states still do not recognize the mandate only illustrates the importance of this resolution.
We believe the mandate contributes to our understanding of the challenges faced by LGBT people. It is alarming that violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity continue to exist worldwide.
We therefore reiterate our strongest support and thank the Independent Expert for his important work. Norway is strongly committed to combat violence and repression based on sexual orientation. Such human rights violations and abuses can never be justified, and we must continue to fight impunity.
The adoption of this resolution makes a vital contribution to ensure that every individual can express and be who they are and love whom they want – which are at the very core of human rights.
I thank you.