Statement delivered by Senior Adviser, Ms Heidi Malene Nipe, at the UNHCR's 70th Standing Committee.
Thank you, Chair,
Norway welcomes the progress report on the implementation of the Grand Bargain commitments.
Credit is due to UNHCR for the progress under the various workstreams documented in the report.
Follow-up of the Grand Bargain is a priority for Norway.
The commitments are reflected in our recent White Paper on development and in our present work on a new multi-year humanitarian strategy.
We have a few specific comments and questions:
First, regarding the use of cash.
Norway welcomes UNHCR’s achievement of reaching its own target for increased use of cash.
We would welcome information about plans to update the target for coming years.
We would also welcome more details about estimated cost-savings through the use of cash.
Finally, we would like to request a break-down, in future reporting, of the volumes of cash and in-kind assistance on the global level.
Second, regarding the localization agenda, Norway recognizes the value of quantitative targets.
At the same time, the quality of the partnerships with local NGOs is at least as important.
We would welcome views on how to improve the involvement of local NGOs in decision making processes, including through the cluster coordination.
Third, regarding the humanitarian-development nexus, Norway isencouraged by the increased cooperation with the Word Bank.
The joint field missions to a number of host countries is an excellent example of the ‘New Way of Working’.
Finally, we reiterate that Norway remains committed to providing unearmarked and flexible humanitarian funding.
Thank you.