Side event 7.10.20 - Photo:UNOG

Action-oriented Approaches to Solutions for Internally Displaced People - Statement by Norway

Action-oriented Approaches to Solutionsfor Internally Displaced People - Statement by Norway.

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Thank you chair,

Let me begin with expressing our gratitude to all the panelists for their presentations on this very important topic.

There is currently a record number of internally displaced people worldwide.
The High-level Panel on Internal Displacement provides a unique opportunity to galvanise international support for the efforts to find solutions to situations of internal displacement.

I would like to commend UNHCR for the organization’s increased efforts to address situations of internal displacement.

The submission from UNHCR to the High-Level Panel on unlocking solutions for IDPs, as well as the debate here today, is addressing many relevant issues which must be considered when discussing solutions for IDPs.

I would like to highlight three elements:

Firstly, the need to include IDPs in a meaningful way in the process of finding and realising solutions. We must ensure that also the voices of IDPs inform the planning and implementation of solutions. Including IDPs in the process, will help in finding better and more durable solutions.

Secondly, we must open the box of solutions and be willing to discuss all the various options of solutions which are available to different situations of internal displacement. There is no one size fits all. But there are many states which have good practice to share and which can be useful for both the work of the Panel and other states in similar situations.

Thirdly, it would be interesting to hear from the panellists on how development policies can support solutions. The 2030 Agenda seeks to address the needs for the most vulnerable, including IDPs. The link between IDP response and socio-economic development is key to identify effective strategies for protection and durable solutions. IDPs should be integrated in national development plans. Access to basic services, education, livelihood opportunities and housing is important to enable and empower IDPs to find durable solutions.


As a donor to the Panel, and Co-chair of the Group of Friends in Geneva together with Afghanistan and Ethiopia, Norway is pleased to see the continued broad political support among Member States for the High-Level Panel. We are also in particular grateful to Denmark, Ireland, Germany and the EU for coming on board as donors to the Panel.

We are looking forward to continue this important discussion on solutions with all of you here today and in the coming months.

I thank you.